Air Calendar (Full Calendar)
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The Air Calendar Plugin is a bubble plugin based on the FullCalendar.
A highly customizable calendar with several different views based on FullCalendar. FullCalendar is the most powerful calendar and scheduler used by several companies and projects.
This plugin was developed in response to the several limitations of the default bubble calendar and addresses the three main concerns: Performance, Customization and Feature set.
It is a full-fledged calendar that you can even build your SAAS on ( uses the same library, FullCalendar, that this plugin is based on)
multiple views
custom views
full control of Look and Feel
internationalization (Locales and Timezones)
high performance
on-demand fetching:
drag-and-Drop and Resize
easy setup
drag to select
blocked dates/times
standard date representation
Key features include:
*Multiple views: Weekly, Monthly, Yearly views in timed grids or agenda grids. There are 9 different views by default.
*Custom views: In addition to the default views, you can also create your own views (currently two). For example, you can decide to create a 3 day workday schedule view. There is also an option for the browser to remember the last view the user was on (like google calendar).
*Full control of Look and Feel: The calendar is super customizable and by default provides only the calendar gird allowing you to create your own buttons and layout for navigation. For example, you can place the next and previous buttons anywhere, user buttons or dropdown(like google calendar) to switch views, etc. There are also several options to set event colors, border colors, calendar background and text colors, etc.
*Internationalization (Locales and Timezones) : The calendar supports different locales (languages) and all the timezones in the world. You can even let your users switch between different timezones dynamically. The calendar provides you with list of all timezones names (ids) allowing you to create a dropdown with it. Same for locales.
*High performance: This plugin is based on the latest re-write(v4) of the FullCalendar library written completely in plain modern javascript removing all jquery dependencies. Also, the library files have been broken down into several small files instead of one huge file. All these makes the calendar very lightweight and loads faster.
*On-demand fetching: Instead of loading all the calendar events at once causing huge delays like in other calendar plugins, Air Calendar allows you to fetch events that are only needed for the current view. The plugin exposes the current view's start and end dates which you can use to restrict the amount of data fetched from your database.
*Drag-and-Drop and Resize: You can easily drag-and-drop events and well resize them. It even has support for dragging event from one calendar to another (currently disabled).
*Easy setup: The calendar gives you full control over how to set up your database and how to connect to it. You can name your database fields whatever you want. You don't have to expose your data API. The plugin triggers events for when an event is added, dragged, resized and you use this to determine when and how you write event data to your database through whatever means you prefer.
*Drag to select: You can enable creating an event by dragging to select a time period. The plugin also has actions that allow you to select/unselect through workflow actions.
*Blocked dates/times: The plugin allows you to block all different kinds of periods. Users will not be able to drag-and-drop or resize events into blocked periods. Blocked periods are created just like normal events so there is no limitation on how to create the blocked periods. You can have blocked day ranges, in combination with single days in combination with single time periods and ranges.
*Standard date representation: The calendar uses the ical standard for storing event dates. That is all end dates are exclusive. This allows you to easily import event data from other calendar systems as well as export your calendar data to other calendar systems. For more information on this see the documentation page.
Premium Feature
FullCalendar Premium (also known as “FullCalendar Scheduler”) is a collection of plugins released under a different license than the standard plugins.
Each plugin offers additional functionality:
Timeline View - display a large number of resources, with dates/times spanning horizontally
Vertical Resource View - display resources as columns
Release Notes
Version 2.1.3
⚙️released on 09 April 2021
🔥 update: FullCalendar library to latest (5.6.0) version
😍 fix: split into two separate events when a single event is dragged from one date to another
🤩 fix: error when “Enable Resource/Scheduler view” checked
🤩 fix: dragging events only works when debug mode is active
🤩 fix: debugger error "Recursion when evaluating property"
🎉update: day\month render in x-axis when resourceTimelineWeak and resourceTimelineMonth is selected
How to install
Install the plugin from the plugin store
Add the element, AirCalendar, to your page and resize it to your needs.
At this point, if you preview your page you will see an empty calendar without any events and buttons.
By default when you add an AirCalendar element to a page, only the calendar grid is displayed. To add navigation buttons like Today, Day, Week, Month, Next, Prev, etc, you have to add buttons.
Creating an events table in the database
Go to the data tab in Bubble.
Create a new Thing. You can give it any name you like, e.g. Appointment.
At minimum AirCalendar requires and an Event start and end date field which is of type date. You can have other optional fields and any other fields you require for your application. Ideally, you should have the three fields in bold.
Event start date -
(required)Event end date -
(required)All day -
(optional)Event title -
(optional)Event background color -
(optional)Event border color -
(optional)Event text color -
(optional)Blocked -
(optional)Type -
How to add events to the calendar
To improve the speed of loading events into the calendar, Air Calendar fetches events on demand. This means instead of loading all the calendar events when the page loads, Air Calendar allows you to load just the events needed for a view.
To achieve this the Air Calendar exposes the current view
and the current view start date
and current view end dates
. So you can pas these as constraints to the event's Do Search
For better performance (faster event load), use the calendar's view start date
and view end date
states to restrict events to only those needed for the current view.
Changing event type
Field 'type' in our table is type of event display.
Possible values:
- When in daygrid, renders the event as a solid rectangle if it is all-day or multi-day. If a timed event, will render it with a dot. When in other views, will render normally.'block'
(default) - When in daygrid, renders the event as a solid rectangle. When in other views, will render normally.
- When in daygrid, renders the event with a dot. When in other views, will render normally.
- Events that appear as background highlights
'background' events, if it is not a full day, cannot be displayed in the dayGridView
- Like'background'
, but fills the reverse space.
- Won’t render the event at all.
Plugin Actions
AirCalendar provides actions and states that allow you the freedom to design your calendar navigation the way you like. The following actions, triggers, and states are provided.
The following actions are provided.
Go to Next view
- Moves the calendar one step forward (by a month or week for example).Go to Prev view
- Moves the calendar one step back (by a month or week for example).Go to Next year
- Moves the calendar forward one year.Go to Prev year
- Moves the calendar back one year.Go to Today
- Moves the calendar to the current dayGo to date
- Moves the calendar to the supplied date.
Calendar views
Air Calendar provides 11 different views plus two custom views that you can define yourself. Below are the different views, actions, triggers and states.
DayGrid view
A DayGrid view is a view with one or more columns, each representing a day. The pre-configured DayGrid views are dayGridDay and dayGridWeek.
dayGridDay: A view with one column listing the available events in the day. By default, it shows one day but you can create a custom view dayGridDay view to show any number of days. e.g. a 3 day dayGridDay.
dayGridWeek : A view with two or more columns each representing a day. By default, this will show a one-week view. But you can create a custom dayGridWeek view to show any number of weeks, e.g. a 2 week dayGridWeek.
dayGridMonth : This is a monthly view that displays the current month’s days, and usually a few days of the previous and next months, in a table-like format. There is no custom dayGridMonth view.
TimeGrid view
A TimeGrid view displays one-or-more horizontal days as well as an axis of time, usually midnight to midnight, on the vertical axis. The two predefined TimeGrid views are the timeGridWeek and timeGridDay views.
timeGridDay : A view that displays horizontal days with a time axis. You can create a custom timeGridDay view with a different number of days.
timeGridWeek: A view that displays horizontal days with a time axis. You can create a custom timeGridWeek view with a different number of weeks.
List view
A list view displays events in a simple vertical list for a specific interval of time.
There are 4 preset list views: listDay, listWeek, listMonth, and listYear.
You can create a custom list view that displays a different number of days, weeks, months or years.
Timeline View ( Premium Feature )
Timeline view display horizontal hours.
There are 2 presets timeline views: timelineDay and timelineWeek.
Resource Data / Scheduler ( Premium Feature )
Creating an resource table in the database
- field for title of resource
Add new field in your Appointment table
Last step is to set data in calendar element
Enable sheduler
Resource type
Transfer data from database
Select field from Appointment table where is saving resource type of event
Set id field to unique id
Resource title field
to your title filed from resource tableEnter title to display in Calendar
( Optional ) Select field to order resources
current view's name:
The current view's name as text. Possible values are any one of the available views listed above. e.g. timeGridWeek. Note that this is case-sensitive (meaning the small letters and capital letters should be exactly as listed above)current view's title :
Title text that is displayed at the top of the header (such as “September 2009” or “Sep 7 - 13 2009”).current view's activeStart date :
A Date that is the first visible day. In month-view, this value is often before the 1st day of the month, because most months do not begin on the first day-of-week.current view's activeEnd date :
A Date that is the exclusive last visible day.current view's currentStart date :
A Date is the start of the interval the view is trying to represent. For example, in month view, this will be the first of the month. This value disregards hidden days. You can use this to restrict the number of events the calendar fetches.current view's currentEnd date :
A Date is the exclusive end of the interval the view is trying to represent. For example, in month view, this will be the day after the last day of the month (because it is exclusive). This value disregards hidden days. You can use this to restrict the number of events the calendar fetches.
view changes:
Triggered when a calendar's view changes.
Note: This will be triggered the first time a calendar page is loaded.
change view:
Immediately switches the calendar to a different view.
This action can be supplied some properties depending on whether you're picking the view name statically from the available views or getting it dynamically from another element (e.g. a dropdown value).
2. Toggle Weekends
: hide or show weekend without reloading calendar
Changing view statically
Static view name: The name of the new view to switch to. Date: If you’d like to navigate to a new date while simultaneously switching to a new view, you can specify a date parameter.
Changing view name dynamically
Get view name dynamically: Check this box if you want to get the name of the view to switch to dynamically. This can be used if you're getting the view name from say a dropdown. This case you will call this action in the dropdown value's change event. Then you can get the dropdown value as
Dynamic view name: The view name to switch two. Can be any one of the supported view names: timeGridDay, timeGridWeek, dayGridDay, dayGridWeek, dayGridMonth,listDay, listWeek, listMonth, listYear , customView1, customView2
Important: view names are case-sensitive. They must be specified exactly as specified above taking note of the lower and upper case.
Exclusive End date - AllDay events
Air Calendar is based on FullCalendar which uses exclusive end dates. Below is an explanation of what this means and how to set things up to work properly.
All end dates are exclusive. For example, if an all-day event ends on a Thursday, the end date
will be 00:00:00 on Friday. An event with the end date
of 2018-09-03
will appear to span through the 2nd of the month, but will end before the start of the 3rd of the month.
This behavior is more consistent with other API’s and formats, such as iCalendar.
These threads (#1,#2) have a lot of discussion and useful information on why exclusive dates are used for end dates of All day events.
Yes, it might be confusing for users. But remember computers understand things differently from humans. For example, array indexes stars from 0 but humans count from 1. This means when dealing with arrays the indexes you display to your users will be different from what you use to perform your calculation. as a no-code platform makes life easy for its developer by counting from one but behind the scene, counting starts from 0.
So how do we make sure the users don't get confused?
Store end dates with exclusive times (most apps do this). Whenever you are about to display an all-day end date to the user, always subtract 1 day. Immediately after you accept an all-day end date input from the user, always add 1 before you store it.
You can for example use Bubble's conditional to check if the event is an all day event and if yes subtract 1 day using the bubble function +(days): -1
When saving an All Day event, do the opposite by adding 1 day to the end date.
Current event
The current event is a very important state returned by the plugin. Below are details of the value.
1.current event
: This is the current bubble event that has been left-clicked, right-clicked or hovered. Its type is your calendar's event type. For example, if your calendar things are called Appointment, this value will be an Appointment.
Important: The following states/values are for the advanced user, example to help create context menu popup when an event is clicked or disable the default right-click context menu like google calendar. Don't use them if you're not familiar with the concepts. For most users, you shouldn't care about these.
2.current event id attribute:
The HTML ID attribute of the current clicked event. You can use this for showing a context menu popup using some javascript or some plugin.
3.current event's rightclick pageX:
The right-clicked horizontal coordinate (pageX) on an event.
4.current event's rightclick pageY:
The right-clicked vertical coordinate (pageY) on an event.
Event dragging and resizing
Here is described the triggers and actions for reacting to event drags and resize on the calendar.
Air Calendar doesn't automatically save dragged or resized events to the database.
If your application allows dragging and resizing an event, you must add a workflow to update the event as explained below
A unique feature of Air Calendar is that it doesn't automatically write changes in the calendar to the database. This allows you complete control on when and how to update your database.
The calendar provides the following states and events for updating an event in the database when it is modified on the calendar.
modified event
: the current event that has just been dragged or resized. It's type is your calendar's event type so you can access all the thing's fieldsmodified event start
: the start date of the modified event. This is a date type.modified event end
: the end date of the modified event. This is a date type.modified all day
: the new All-day field of the modified event. This a yes/no field. Currently, for some technical reasons, you can't drag an event from the All Day field to a timed region and vice versa so you don't need to use this field. You can get the all-day field from the event object itself. This value will become important when we enable the ability to drag events from All day region to time region or vice versa. So for you get the all-day field from the modified event thing itself.
event is modified
: This is triggered when an event on the calendar is dragged or resized.
Example workflow for updating an event when modified
In the workflow tab add a new event and select AirCalendar event is modified.
2. Add a make a change to a thing
action and in the Thing to change
field select AirCalendar's modified event
. Then for your event's start and end dates select AirCalendar's modified event start
and AirCalendar's modified event end
states respectively.
Event selecting
Air calendar supports dynamic selection. User can click and drag to select a period of time to create an event. Below are the actions, triggers and states associated with selection.
To enable selection check the element property Event and days are selectable
. Once enabled the following states, triggers and actions can be used.
When selection is enabled, clicking on a cell triggers the selection is made
event as well as the date clicked
event. If you don't want your users to click to select but instead click and drag to select, you have to change the element property, Select min distance
to a value greater than 0.
selected start date
: The start date/time of the current selection. The value is adate
.selected end date
: The end date/time of the current selection. The value is adate
.selection all day?
: This is a boolean (yes/no
) that tells you if the selection occurred in an All Day (yes) cell or a timed cell (no).
selected cells id attribute
: This is the html element ID attribute of the selected region. You can use this as reference to show a context menu.
NB: This is an advanced property so only use if you understand what you're doing.
selection is made
: Triggered when a selection has been made. Once this event occurs the states defined above are available and can be used in a workflow. For example you may want to show a popup with the selected dates to create an event in your database.
Air calendar allows allows you to programmatically select or cancel a selection. This is useful if after the user has selected an area decides to change the start or end time (see demo at the start of this page). The following actions are provided.
: Selects a period of time on the calendar. It has following 3 fields
start date
- Start date of the selection. Value should be date.end date
- End of the selection. Optional. Default slot value will be used. Value should be a date. This value is exclusive, meaning if you want to your last full-day selection to be Thursday, then specify FridayAll day
- Specify if selection should happen in the All Day slot. Optional. Default is false.
2. Unselect
: Cancels the current selection. It doesn't have any fields.
Event clicking and hovering
Here is described the triggers and actions for clicking on events and dates on the calendar.
See current event states above.
1. event is clicked :
Triggered when a calendar event is clicked.
2. date is clicked :
Triggered when a calendar date is clicked.
3. calendars's event is right clicked :
Triggered when an event is right clicked. This is useful if you've disabled the default right click context menu and want to show your own context menu when an event is right-clicked
4. Blocked Event Clicked
: Triggered when an blocked event is clicked.
Timezone feature
Required fields, actions and states
Owner's Timezone
- this dropdown contains a list of timezones. The page owner must choose his own time zone so that the time difference between different time zones can be calculated.
Set Timezone
- The incoming parameter is the ID (text) of the new time zone. Switches the timezone of the calendar to the selected one.
Reload Events
- New action. Hides all events, and then displays again, updating all data (including calculating the time of the event in a new time zone).
timezone offset display seconds
- This state stores information about the difference between the time zone of the owner of the calendar and the current time zone of the calendar. It is used to correctly display the event time when editing it, since by default the event is stored in the database in the owner's time zone.
timezone offset save seconds
- This state stores information about the difference between the time zone of the owner of the calendar and the current time zone of the calendar. unlike the previous state in the sign, that is, it is the opposite (example: offset display = 120 => offset save = -120). Used for correct saving to the database. Changes the time of the added event from the user's time zone to the owner's time zone
How to use
Resources / Scheduler
Resource type
- this field represent an App Type from your Data.
Required is 1 field for title of resource
Resource data source
- List of your resources from data.
Event resource field
- This field is needed for communication resources and events. In this field is saved id of resource.
Res. id field
- field from Data representing resource identifier
Resource title field
- field from Data representing resource title. This title will be displayed in calendar
Resource label
- Title of resource column
Res. order field
- field for ordering resources. it can be title or ID
Order Res. ascending
- yes/no.
Order resource ascending
modified event's new resource
- in this state is stored new resource of modified event.
- in this state is stored resource of new event created by selection in calendar.
Demo to preview the settings
Last updated
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